Farewell Year 11 - Class of 2024

Today marked a significant milestone as we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 11 students in their final assembly. It was a morning filled with nostalgia, pride, and heartfelt farewells. We took a trip down memory lane, reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared over the past five years. From the first tentative steps into Year 7 to the confident strides you take now, it has been an amazing journey.

We are immensely proud of our Year 11’s hard work and achievements. They have shown resilience, dedication and true Brooksbank spirit. Each student has left an indelible mark on our school and we are confident that they will continue to shine in all their future endeavours.

Year 11, as you move forward, we want you to carry the lessons, friendships and memories you've made here with you. Remember Mrs. Bassinder's words and always believe in your amazing potential. This is not a goodbye but a see you later. We look forward to celebrating with you once more at prom, where we can create even more memories together.

Good luck, Year 11. The world is yours to explore, and we can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will achieve. Until then, take care and stay amazing.


Beyond the Blue Line - Issue 80


The Brooksbank School are Proud to Announce Partnership with Overgate Hospice