Exams Team
Miss A Clarke
Exams & Data Officer
Mr N Watkins
Senior Team Link for Exams
Mrs H Shenton
Mrs F Robinson
Exams Access Co-ordinator
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's exams, please contact us by phone: 01422 374791 or email: exams@brooksbank.tlt.school
Examination Notices
Candidate Exam Notices Booklet
This booklet must be read by all Year 10 – 13 students.
Before the Exams
Exam Access Arrangements are usually in place by the end of Year 10. If you think you are entitled to an Access Arrangements, but you are unsure, please discuss this with your Form Tutor.
You will receive a statement of entry in March, it is important to go through and check all the details are correct. This will include your personal details, legal name etc and all entry details. If there are any errors, please let the Exams Officer know.
Discuss this with your Form Tutor or the Subject Leader who will inform the Exams Officer immediately.
Please let the Exams Officer know there is a clash on your timetable. If you have exams that clash, these will be rescheduled, and new times will be shown on your final timetable.
The exams whenever possible will take place on the same day. You will remain under supervision (isolation) between the two papers, a letter with more information about the supervision will also be sent.
On the Exam Day
Ring school immediately and speak to your Pastoral Lead or the Exams Team who will advise you on how to proceed. On arrival you will need to wait in reception until you are met by a member of the Exams Team.
Latecomers may be admitted into an exam if there is a genuine reason, but it WILL be reported to the exam board. Please note that the exam board has the right to refuse scripts.
You must let the Exams Team know immediately.
If your child is unwell and going to miss their exam/s, you must contact the school as soon as possible.
We may require a medical certificate from your child's doctor, if we do not receive a medical certificate, you may be charged for the missed exam.
We can also use the medical certificate to apply for special consideration with the exam board.
You must raise your hand and an invigilator will assist you. If you feel unwell before the exam you must tell the Exams Team/Invigilator so they can monitor and assist where required.
No. Exams are scheduled by the exam boards so you must attend on the day and time given.
If you have missed an exam through illness, we may require a medical certificate from your child's doctor.
You are responsible for bringing your own equipment to your exams.
No. You must remain seated until you are instructed otherwise. Exam conditions apply until all scripts have been collected and you have left the venue.
Follow the instructions given by the Invigilator. The Exams Team will let you know what to do next.
You can bring a bottle of water, but it must be in a clear plastic bottle (the Brooksbank School water bottle is not allowed) with any labels removed prior to entry to the venue. Food must not be brought into exam venues.
You must speak to an invigilator and wait. There is a seating plan that an invigilator can check in the venue, or you will be escorted back outside to check. Once you enter the exam venue you are under exam conditions, so even to get something from your bag, you must be escorted by an invigilator. You are not permitted to wander around the venue or leave the venue once you enter.
For Main School Students - Full School uniform must be worn.
For Sixth Form Students - Please wear weather appropriate clothes.
If you have any concerns that have not been covered, please speak to a member of the Exams Team.
Internal Exams
September 2024 – July 2025
Mock exams have been arranged for the following dates:
Year Group
7th – 10th October 2024
25th - 6th December 2024
20th – 30th January 2025
3rd – 10th March 2025
16th – 20th June
23rd June – 2nd July 2025
These are subject to change.
External Exams
Summer 2025
Please ensure you arrive at the Arthaus 15 minutes before the start time.
Exam Start Times
Morning Exams
Afternoon Exams
November 2024
Please click here for the provisional timetable. Please note these are subject to change.
January 2025
Please click here for the provisional timetable. Please note these are subject to change.
Summer 2025 Timetable
Please click here for the provisional Summer timetable. Personalised timetables will be issued after Easter.
GCSE Contingency day(s)
There will be one contingency afternoon on Wednesday 11th June 2025 and a full contingency day on Wednesday 25th June 2025 for exams taking place in Summer 2025.
These days will be used in case of a national disruption. Students need to ensure they are available in case an exam is moved from its original time or date, due to disruption. You must ensure you are available up to and including this date.
Equipment List & Banned Items
Equipment List
Students are only allowed the following items during their examinations; all other items must be left in the bags in secure storage:
x2 Black Pens
x2 Highlighters
Pencil Sharpener
Clear Pencil Case
Clear water bottle (all labels must be removed). The Brooksbank School water bottle is not allowed.
For certain exams you may be allowed the following:
Calculator (the lid must be removed)
Banned Items
The following items are banned from ALL Exam Venues, all banned items must be left in students’ bag. If a student is caught with any of the below items, this will be taken as a serious offence and could result in disqualification from their exam and their overall qualification.
Mobile Phones*
All types of Watches
MP3/4 Player or a similar device
Notes (unless specified for the exam)
Calculator Lids
Chewing Gum
*Diabetic students are allowed to bring their mobile phones into their exam venue for the purpose of monitoring blood sugar, but this must be given to the invigilator. This will have been agreed as an access arrangement.
Results Days
On results days, please make sure you have access to your school email.
A Level Results Day
Thursday 14th August 2025
More information about when and where to collect results will be released closer to the date.
GCSE Results Day
Thursday 21st August 2025
More information about when and where to collect results will be released closer to the date.
Post Results & Appeals
Review of Marking
After the release of results the school will advise those students who were near the grade boundary and may ask them to consent to a review of marking. Please note grades can go up or down.
Please see below for a list of services we can request:
Reviews of Results (RoRs)
Service 1: Clerical re-check or Service 1 with an ATS copy of re-checked script
Service 2: Review of marking or Service 2 with an ATS copy of reviewed script
Priority Service 2: Review of marking or Priority Service 2 with an ATS copy of reviewed script (GCE A-level only)
Service 3: Review of moderation
Access to Scripts (ATS)
Copies of scripts to support reviews of marking (priority service) (GCSE scripts are subject to availability).
Copies of scripts to support teaching and learning (non-priority service).
Please refer to the Exam Notices Booklet previously provided. Please remind your child to not jeopardise their exams by innocently or purposefully committing malpractice.
The Exam Notice Booklet
Ensure phone/watch/headphones switched off and placed in bags.
Ensure no papers or anything else is in your pockets.
Do not remove any papers from the venue.
Remain silent and no communication with anyone other than invigilator once in the venue.
No writing on hands/arms etc as we would not be able to ascertain if it was a code. It would have to be reported to the exam board.
Read and follow all the instructions printed on the front of question papers.
It is the student’s responsibility to comply with exam regulations – breaking them through ignorance is not an excuse!