Reporting absence
If you are absent due to sickness or an emergency, your parent/carer must call school on 01422 483354 before 8.30am, giving the reason for your absence. Please note, we cannot take absence messages via other channels such as SMS or Facebook messages.
Attendance and punctuality are important
Missed school day affect your progress, and arriving late disrupts others’ learning as well as your own. Please do your best to be here on time each day. Of course, sometimes you have a justifiable reason for not being in school, like when you are too poorly, or for exceptional events such as a family funeral.
Appointments and exceptional events
Where possible, please make medical appointments outside of school hours. If this isn’t possible, or for other planned events, you must call Student Services in advance. Students must sign out at Reception before leaving the site and can only do so with permission.
Should I be at school?
If you have a mild illness, it can be tricky to know whether you should be in school or not. Certain contagious illnesses require you to stay at home. For guidance see www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school. If in doubt, speak to Student Services.
You should only take holidays during the school holiday breaks. Permission for holidays taken in term time cannot be granted and will be deemed as unauthorised absences, which may result in a penalty fine.
non school days in each year. Stick to these for personal commitments and give yourself the best chance of success.
Why does attendance matter?
Best chance of success
Less chance of success
Serious impact on education and your future
Student days in school
Half term
Full term
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2
Total Days